Están instaurando el despertador de la Revolución de Octubre, vencemos.
Número de Cartel: PP 605
Información sobre el cartel: [Esquina superior derecha] ¡Proletarios de todos los países, uníos!
Tamaño: 46.5x33
Tipo de cartel: Litografía
Fecha de publicación: c.1923
Ediciones: 1,500
Número de Glavlit: A-18909
En el catologo: PP 605 Revolution
Región de la URSS: RSS de Letonia
Idioma: Letón
Artista: K.V. — К.В.
Imprenta: Tsentrizdat (Central Publishing House of the Peoples of the USSR) — Центриздат (Центральное издательство народов СССР)
Tsentrizdat was established in 1924 to consolidate East and West publishing divisions into one entity. With a focus on literature, political, scientific and educational information in the national languages of the USSR, it had offices throughout the Soviet republics and autonomous regions. Its printing house was located in Moscow along Shliuzovaia Naberezhnaia (Gateway Embankment, i.e. Gateway Passage). Tsentrizdat was dissolved in 1931 when the USSR centralized its printing and publishing industries.
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Editorial: Tsentrizdat (Central Publishing House of the Peoples of the USSR) — Центриздат (Центральное издательство народов СССР)
Tsentrizdat was established in 1924 to consolidate East (Vostok ) and West (Zapad ) publishing divisions within the USSR. With a focus on literature, political, scientific and educational information all in the national languages of the USSR, Tsentrizdat had offices throughout the Soviet republics and autonomous regions. It operated its own printing sections due to the magnitude of letterforms required to develop the printed material it published in numerous languages. The publisher was dissolved in 1931 when the USSR ...
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