Tercer Congreso Popular Alemán. Por la Unidad de Alemania y una Justa Paz
Número de Cartel: PP 565
Información sobre el cartel: Poster is in German language. It was produced by the Deutsche Demokratische Republik (DDR) East German government. The poster highlights the Third German People’s Congress that occurred May 29-30, 1949. It elected a people’s council dominated by the Socialist Unity Party and it led to the formation of the East German Constitution.
Tamaño: 32.5x25
Tipo de cartel: Litografía
Fecha de publicación: 1949
Información técnica: Congress Publishing House G.m.b.H., Berlin, License No. 399 of the SMAD [Soviet Military Administration In Germany] Z0800381, Leipzig-Berlin M402
En el catologo: PP 565 Comecon-Warsaw Pact
Idioma: Alemán
Artista: Illegible Name — Неразборчивое Имя
Imprenta: Universal Publishing GmbH Offset Printing Plant, Leipzig —
Editorial: Congress Publishing House, Berlin — Издательство Конгресса, Берлин
A 1955 description of Congress Publishing House (Kongress-Verlag in German) stated, "...Kongress-Verlag makes every effort to objectively describe the economic, political and cultural development of the German Democratic Republic, to serve international friendship and world peace...". The publisher was organized in 1948 and it was located in East Germany in the Soviet sector of Berlin at 8-9 Ernst-Thälmann-Platz. Congress Publishing House disseminated not only political literature but it in 1949, it published the citizen's copy o...
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