Drava [lugar del combate de las tropas ruso-búlgaras contra los alemanes durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial] 6 – 22 de marzo, 1945. Se ha cumplido con el deber nacional.
Número de Cartel: PP 528
Información sobre el cartel: Poster is in Bulgarian language. Drava (Drau in German) was a battle fought in Hungary by Soviet and Bulgarian forces against Hungarian and German forces. This battle was part of Germany's final major offensive of the war. A German soldier is illustrated after having been presumably taken prisoner by the Soviets. His downed aircraft is in the background and he's carrying an MP-40 (Maschinenpistole 40) and two Stielhandgranaten (Stick grenades).
Tamaño: 43.5x31.5
Tipo de cartel: Offset
Fecha de publicación: c.1965
En el catologo: PP 528 World War II b
Idioma: Búlgaro
Artista: Angelushev, Boris — Ангелушев, Борис
Boris Angelushev was born into a family of teachers. Instead of following the path of educational instruction, he was admitted into the Academy of the Arts in Sofia, Bulgaria. After winning a major art competition, he traveled to Berlin and enrolled in the Berlin Academy of Arts where he studied applied graphics and worked as a freelance artist. Starting in 1924, Angelushev supplied drawings and cartoons for leftist German newspapers. During this period he used the ...
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Imprenta: Dimitar Blagoev DPK (State Printing Plant), Sofia — Дмитрия Благоева ДПК (Государственная типография), София
The State Printing Plant (Dŭrzhavniyat poligraficheski kombinat, in Bulgarian) named for Dimitar Blagoev was located in Sofia, Bulgaria. Considered to be the founder of Bulgarian socialism, Dimitar Blagoev Nikolov (1856-1924) founded the Bulgarian Workers Social-Democratic Party and he authored numerous works on socialism.
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Editorial: State Military Publishing House MNO, Bulgaria — Военно издательский МНО, Болгария
The State Military Publishing House MNO (Ministry of National Defense) was the publishing arm of the defense ministry of the People's Republic of Bulgaria.
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