División de la Editorial del Estado de Petrogrado – Casa del Libro, Avenida 25 de Octubre, Nº 28 Número de teléfono 123-44 Número de teléfono del departamento de ventas 549-32
Número de Cartel: PP 387
Información sobre el cartel: The three state-run bookstores in Petrograd (St. Petersburg) were located at: No. 13 October 25th Avenue, No. 28 October 25th Avenue and, at No. 21 Volodarskii Avenue.
[Book Titles] "Science, Portraits, Karl Marx, The History Of Proletarian Revolution, Art, Alphabets, Books For Children, Technical Writing, Agriculture, Red Literary History"
[At bottom] "Textbooks on all branches of knowledge, Library creation for all party, cultural and educational organizations. Literature for children, Musical scores."
[At top above sun] "Workers Of All Countries, Unite!"
Tamaño: 42x27.5
Tipo de cartel: Litografía
Fecha de publicación: c.1924
Ediciones: 3,000
Barenbaum, I. E. (2003). Knizhnyi Peterburg: Tri veka istorii: ocherki izdatelʹskogo dela i knizhnoi torgovli.
Sankt-Peterburg: KulʹtInform Press.
En el catologo: PP 387 Education & Literacy
Artista: Artist Unknown — неизвестный художник
The artist's name on the poster is not indicated. By assigning Artist Unknown to a poster it also could mean the artist used a chop mark whereby no signature is seen thus rendering the artist's identity anonymous.
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Imprenta: State Typography Workshop named for Evgenii Sokolov, Petrograd (formerly A.F. Marks) — Государственная типография им. Евгении Соколовой, Петроград (до А. Ф. Маркс)
The State Typography Workshop named for Evgenii Sokolov was located in Petrograd (St. Petersburg) at 29 Izmailovskii Avenue. Prior to the 1920s, this printer was the A.F. Marks'' Partnership Artistic Office. Founded in 1881, its owner was Adolf Fedorovich Marks (1838-1904), a successful printer and publisher. In late 1920, the A.F. Marks'' Partnership was nationalized by the Soviets and placed under Gosizdat, the state publisher. In 1922, the printer was placed under Petropechat', a state-owned trust that ...
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Editorial: State Publishing House, Moscow-Petrograd — Государственное издательство, Москва-Петроград
Petrograd was the name of St. Petersburg from 1914 until 1924. For backstory on this publisher, please see the entries for State Publishing House, Moscow and State Publishing House.
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