El decisivo tercer año del plan quinquenal de 1973. ¡Una mayor expansión de la competición socialista!
Número de Cartel: PP 166
Información sobre el cartel: El cartel hace referencia a cómo a esta imprenta se le otorgó la “Orden de la Bandera Roja del Trabajo”, la cual se daba a las fábricas, galardón adjudicado a las empresas por los éxitos logrados en el trabajo, el servicio público, la literatura, y las artes y las ciencias.
Tamaño: 50x31
Tipo de cartel: Offset
Fecha de publicación: 1973
Editores: Editor T. Tkachenko. Art Editor A. Burkatovskii. Technical Editor V. Golubeva.
Información técnica: Approved for printing. February 2, 1973. Publication No. 5/13-2190 Format 70 x 120. Volume 1 sheet of paper. Offset printing. Paper 120 gram. Order No. 178, Price 10 kopeks. 8-2-2 1973
Ediciones: 100,000
Número de Glavlit: A 06595.
En el catologo: PP 166 Economy
Artista: Koretskii, Viktor Borisovich (Koretsky, Victor) — Корецкий, Виктор Борисович
Of the photomontage poster artists of the 20th century, Viktor Borisovich Koretskii stands out as one of the most iconic. His prolific career in the Soviet Union began in the 1930s and ended in the 1980s, and his unique artistic style influenced generations of graphic artists. From 1921 to 1929, Viktor Koretskii attended the Moscow Secondary School of Professional Art, and by 1931 he was working as a professional graphic designer. Koretskii perfected his own technique of photomontage ...
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Imprenta: Kalinin City Poligrafkombinat of Soiuzpoligrafprom — Калининский полиграфический комбинат Союзполиграфпрома
The Kalinin Poligrafkombinat (printing plant) was located at 5 Lenin Avenue (formerly Voroshilov Street) in Kalinin (Tver) northwest of Moscow. Throughout its existence, the name of this printing plant changed depending on the various state-owned trusts that handled its management. At one point in its history, the plant was under the management of the printing trust, Soiuzpoligrafprom (All-Union Association of Printing Enterprises).
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Editorial: Planeta (Planet), Moscow — Планета
Planeta (Planet) Publishing was a state-owned, Moscow publisher that was formed in 1969. It was located at 8-11 Petrovka Street and it served as a contract publisher for Goskomizdat USSR (State Committee on Publishing in the USSR) in addition to publishing literature for the USSR Journalists Union. Planet issued posters, photo portraits, photo-illustrated books, postcards, calendars and it published the magazine Soviet Photo (A.K.A. Photography Magazine)-- the chief periodical for Soviet and Eastern ...
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