Laborer: Help the cooperatives to get rid of abusers of the ration book
Número de Cartel: PP 1130
Información sobre el cartel: [On book] Ration Book A-1 [the figures appear to represent black-marketeers, private traders, etc.]; [Top of poster] "Workers of the World, Unite!"
Tamaño: 37x27
Tipo de cartel: Litografía y Offset
Fecha de publicación: 1930
Información técnica: Order No. 4883
Ediciones: 40,000
Número de Glavlit: 4.4486. Okrlit, the district office section of Glavlit
En el catologo: PP 1130 Workers c
Región de la URSS: RSS de Ucrania
Idioma: Ucraniano
Artista: Kovan'ko, Sergei Matveevich — Кованько Сергей Матвеевич
Sergei Matveevich Kovan'ko lived in Kharkov and he worked in applied and industrial graphics for most of his career. He studied at the Architecture School of the Kharkov Art Institute in Ukraine. In the late 1920s and into the early 1930s, he illustrated Vsesvit (Universe) magazine in Kharkov and illustrated and designed books for the Young Guard publishing house, the Art publishing house and several other publications. Later in his life, he moved to Moscow ...
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Imprenta: Chromolit Lithography Workshop named for Comrade Dzerzhinskii, Kharkov — Хромолит Типо-литография имени т. Дзержинского, Харьков
Located in Kharkov in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic; the Chromolit Lithography was named in honor of Feliks Edmundovich Dzerzhinskii (1877-1926) who was head of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission (VChK) internal police who were commonly referred to as the “Cheka”. During its history, the printer was also named the 1st Chromolit Lithography and it was overseen by the printing trust UPKPT (Management of Production and Technical Equipment).
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Editorial: Knigospilka (All-Ukrainian Cooperative Book Merchandising and Publishing Union) — Книгоспiлка (Всеукраинский кооперативный книжно-издательский союз)
Knigospilka was the All-Ukrainian Cooperative Book Merchandising and Publishing Union. Based in Kharkov, Ukraine, it operated from 1920 to 1929. While it occasionally published posters, its chief task was turning out books and literature for use in Consumers' Societies, Workers' and Transport Societies, and for the rural population in Ukraine. To that end, the publisher played a role in the implementation of Communist Party policy in the countryside. After 1922, Knigospilka concentrated on publishing informational literature concerning agriculture ...
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