¡Viva la heroica flota naval!
Número de Cartel: PP 1087
Información sobre el cartel: The sailor is a World War II veteran because he wears the medal "For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945" among other service awards.
Tamaño: 36.5x24
Tipo de cartel: Litografía y Offset
Fecha de publicación: 1945
Número de Glavlit: GM 200325
En el catologo: PP 1087 Military b
Artista: Ivanov, Viktor Semenovich — Иванов, Виктор Семёнович
Viktor Semenovich Ivanov attended Moscow Secondary Professional Art School from 1926 to 1929. In 1928, he took classes at a studio of Dmitrii Kardovskii the Russian artist, illustrator and stage designer, and from 1929 to 1933, Ivanov continued his education at the Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture that was affiliated with the Russian Academy of Arts of Leningrad. In 1931, Viktor Ivanov began designing for the state publishing house Ogiz-Izogiz where he achieved acclaim as a prolific artist whose concentration ...
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Editorial: Voenmorizdat (Naval Publishing House) — Государственное Военно-Морское издательство НКВМФ СССР
Voenmorizdat was the State Naval Publishing House of the NKMF (People's Commissariat of the Navy) of the USSR. It was organized in 1938 under the direction of the People's Commissariat of the Navy. The publisher's chief objective was the dissemination of instruction manuals, informational literature, naval-themed books and political ephemera for and about the Soviet Navy. Infrequently, Voenmorizdat issued posters and graphic art materials with naval themes.
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