¡Viva el poder de los Soviets! ¡El camino hacia la felicidad de los obreros es a través de los Soviets, dirigidos por el Partido Comunista!
Número de Cartel: PP 1016
Información sobre el cartel: In the upper left corner is written: " Workers of the world, unite!"
Tamaño: 28x23
Tipo de cartel: Litografía
Fecha de publicación: 1921
Información técnica: No. 998-1; RVTs (Passed by Military Censor), Kiev 1921
Ediciones: 3,000
En el catologo: PP 1016 Workers b
Región de la URSS: RSS de Ucrania
Artista: Marenkov, Alexei Vasilievich — Маренков, Алексей Васильевич
Alexei Vasilievich Marenkov was a graphic artist and arts educator in the Soviet Union. For the initial part of his artistic schooling, he studied drawing under the tutelage of the German artist Werner Ernst Hoffmann. From 1905 to 1912, Marenkov was enrolled in the Kiev Art School where he was graduated. After obtaining his education, Marenkov worked in the field of book illustration. Following the collapse of Tsarist Russia in 1917, Marenkov served as an illustrator on the ...
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Imprenta: 2nd Soviet Typography [Photo-Lithography] Workshop, Kiev — 2-я Советская фото-лито-типография, Киев
The 2nd Soviet Typography Workshop was located at 4 Pushkin Street in Kiev, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. Over a period of management changes through the years, the printer was also known as the Photo-Lithography Workshop as well as the Soviet Printing Office.
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Editorial: State Publishing House, Kiev — Государственное издательство, Киев
The State Publishing House had its origins in Imperial Russia as the Royal Print Yard in St. Petersburg. As the Red Army controlled more provinces and cities in former Imperial Russia, the State Publishing House developed offices outside St. Petersburg. Kiev was a major city of Imperial Russia as well as of the USSR. Once Soviet control was established in Ukraine, publishing was concentrated in the State Publishing House that existed from 1919-1930. Today, Kiev ...
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