Únete a las filas del Ejército Rojo. [Traducción parcial]
Número de Cartel: PP 1004
Información sobre el cartel: (Top right margin) "Workers of the world, unite!"
Tamaño: 37.5x28
Tipo de cartel: Litografía
Fecha de publicación: 1920
Información técnica: September 1920, Kiev, No. 1 [taken from printing stamp of poster]; 1641-1 [printing number]
Ediciones: 10,000
Fuentes: Ukrainsʹke radiansʹke obrazotvorche mystetstvo ta arkhitektura: Mystetstvo narodzhene zhovtnem, 1917-1987. (1987). Kyïv: Mystetstvo.
En el catologo: PP 1004 Civil War c
Idioma: Polaco
Artista: Silkin, Boris Vasil’evich — Силкин, Борис Васильевич
Limited biographical information is available on Boris Vasil’evich Silkin. Most likely, he designed propaganda posters for the Bolsheviks for a limited period from 1919 to 1920. During that period, he joined the Kiev-based trade union Tvorchestvo (in existence in 1918), and into the 1920s Silkin exhibited his work in Kiev. The 1983 edition of Sovetskaia grafika indicates that Silkin was a founding member of the Society of Artists in Kiev (1918), and in 1920, he was listed as an artist wi...
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Imprenta: 2nd Soviet Typography [Photo-Lithography] Workshop, Kiev — 2-я Советская фото-лито-типография, Киев
The 2nd Soviet Typography Workshop was located at 4 Pushkin Street in Kiev, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. Over a period of management changes through the years, the printer was also known as the Photo-Lithography Workshop as well as the Soviet Printing Office.
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Editorial: Polish Communist Publishing House — Польское коммунистическое издательство