El quinto plan quinquenal para la reconstrucción y el crecimiento económico de la URSS 1946-1950. [Traducción parcial]
Número de Cartel: PP 072
Tamaño: 31.5x24
Tipo de cartel: Litografía
Fecha de publicación: c.1946
Editores: Editor-In-Chief N. Strakhov.
Información técnica: Order No. 2169. Price 2 rubles, 50 kopeks.
Ediciones: 10,000
Número de Glavlit: FL 08695.
En el catologo: PP 072 Economy b
Artista: Lebedev, Boris Ivanovich — Лебедев, Борис Иванович
Boris Ivanovich Lebedev was a Soviet graphic artist, illustrator, and a poster artist. In 1929 he graduated from the Saratov Art College and soon thereafter, he was granted a position at the newspaper Southern Kazakhstan Pravda. Lebedev also worked at the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda and at the Diafilm (filmstrip) factory. In 1941, Lebedev moved to Penza (in Western Russia) where he was put in charge of running the art department of the Stalinskoye Znamya newspaper. During World ...
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Imprenta: Stalinskoe Znamia (Stalin's Banner) Typolithography, Penza — Типо-литография издательства Сталинское Знамя, Пенза
Stalinskoe Znamia (Stalin's Banner) was a newspaper publishing house in Penza, a city in western Russia. In 1917, the newspaper began operations as the News of the Penza Council of Workers', Peasants' and Soldiers' Deputies. After another round of name changes during the 1920s and 1930s, it became “Stalin’s Banner” in 1939 and retained that title until June 1956 when it became Penzaskaia Pravda (Truth of Penza).
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Editorial: Publisher not indicated —