¡Todos juntos vamos a terminar con la amenaza nuclear! Los miembros de la manifestación masiva y las organizaciones en contra de la guerra hacen esta reivindicación.
Número de Cartel: PP 049
Información sobre el cartel:
Este cartel es de gran tamaño.
(Primera pancarta) ‘No’ a la Guerra de las Galaxias (el nombre con el que se conocía el plan de defensa del espacio exterior de Estados Unidos)
(Segunda pancarta) Iniciativa de Defensa Estratégica (el nombre oficial del plan de defensa del espacio exterior de Estados Unidos)
(Tercera pancarta) ¡Paz en el mundo!
(Cuarta pancarta) La Paz puede salvarse solo a través un esfuerzo conjunto de todos los estados y todos los pueblos.
(En otros carteles) ¡‘No’ a los planes de agresión de la OTAN!
Despolarización de la tensión mundial
(El papel en la boca del pato) Amenaza Soviética
(En la bolsa) Ganancias
Tamaño: 56x42.5
Tipo de cartel: Offset
Fecha de publicación: 1986
Editores: Editor A. Galkin. Technical Editor L. Nikitina.
Información técnica: 1986 A 5101010000-523-088(02)–86
En el catologo: PP 049 Cold War (oversized)
Artista: Abramov, Mark Aleksandrovich — Абрамов, Марк Александрович
Born in Ukraine when it was part of the Russian Empire, Mark Aleksandrovich Abramov studied at the Moscow Civil Engineering Institute (MISI) from 1931 to 1936. Along with his brother, he published cartoons under the pseudonym Moa and they appeared in periodicals such as Ateist [Atheist], Rabochaia Moskva [Working Moscow] and Bezbozhnik [The Godless]. In 1932, his drawings appeared under his name in magazines and newspapers including, Krokodil [Crocodile], Znamia [Banner] and Sovetskaia Zhenshchina [Soviet Woman]....
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Artista: Dobrovol'skii, Vladimir Petrovich — Добровольский, Владимир Петрович
Vladimir Petrovich Dobrovol'skii was born in the Irkutsk Oblast in the town of Usolye-Sibirskoye located on the Angara River. Although he was never formally educated in art it was at an early age that he showed talent. From the 1930s until the 1970s, Dobrovol'skii contributed political caricature illustrations for the newspapers "Pravda" (Truth), "Komsomolskaya Pravda" (Komsomol Truth), "Izvestiya" (News), "Sovetskaya Rossiya" (Soviet Russia) in addition to the ...
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Imprenta: Printer not indicated —
Editorial: Plakat (All-Union Poster), Moscow — Плакат
Plakat (All-Union Poster) was created in 1974 in Moscow through the work of the Union of Artists and the Central Committee of the Communist Party. The chief of its poster department was Dmitry Akimovich Isaev. Plakat publishers existed until 1991 whereupon it was renamed Panorama publishers.
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