¡Gloria a los defensores de Octubre!
Número de Cartel: PP 037
Tamaño: 48x26
Tipo de cartel: Offset
Fecha de publicación: 1957
Editores: Editor V. Lapshin.
Información técnica: October 4, 1956. Publication No. 1-631. Volume 1 sheet of paper. Order No. 534. Price 1 ruble.
Ediciones: 150,000
Número de Glavlit: Sh-08847.
En el catologo: PP 037 Military
Artista: Reshetnikov, Boris Andreevich — Решетников, Борис Андреевич
Boris Andreevich Reshetnikov was a Soviet graphic artist. From 1946 to 1958, he studied at the Saratov Art School. In 1954, Reshetnikov graduated from the State Academy of Arts named for Teodors Zaļkalns in Riga, Latvian SSR. He went on to teach at the Latvian Academy from 1954 to 1956. It was also in the 1950s that he moved to Moscow. The artist began designing posters for Izogiz State Publishing by the mid-1950s. At Izogiz, Reshetnikov designed over f...
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Imprenta: Kalinin City Poligrafkombinat of Sovnarkhoz of the RSFSR — Калининский полиграфический комбинат Московского совнархоза Верховного Совета РСФСР
The Poligrafkombinat (printing plant) of Kalinin was the printer for Sovnarkhoz RSFSR (the Regional Council of National Economy of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic). Sovnarkhoz was an economic reorganization that came about in 1957 when over 100 "economic regions" were created in the USSR to localize and reduce the inordinate role of state administered, top-down economics. The printer was located at 5 Lenin Avenue (formerly Voroshilov Street) in the city of Kalinin (Tver) northwest of ...
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Editorial: IzoGiz (State Publishing House of Fine Art), Moscow — Изогиз (Государственное издательство изобразительного искусства), Москва
The history of IzoGiz begins with the formation of Ogiz, the Association of the State Book and Magazine Publishers. In 1930, the Sovnarkom of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic established Ogiz to centralize publishing under a monopoly in order to eliminate duplication of printed material, to streamline and control publishing production and its output, and to create a base for marketing books, training and technical manuals. In 1931, the Central Committee of the USSR ordered certain ...
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