Artista: Sudomora, Okhrim Ivanovich — Судомора, Охрим Иванович
Imprenta: 5th Typolithography Workshop, Khabarovsk — 5-я типолитография, Хабаровск
Little historical information is available on the 5th Typolithography Workshop in Khabarovsk. According published sources from the Soviet-era, during the mid-1950s, the 5th Typolithography was under the management of Gostatizdat (State Statistical Publishing House). The city of Khabarovsk is in Far Eastern Russia, and the printer was situated at 45 Lеv Tolstoi Street.
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Editorial: Dalkraisoiuz (Far-Eastern Territories Union of Consumer Societies) — Далькрайсоюз
This publisher produced literature and information specific to Eastern Russia. The publisher was in existence during the 1920s. Geographically, from 1926 to 1938, the Far Eastern Region of the USSR was a province known as Dal'nevostnochi krai or Dalkrai in its abbreviated format.
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