Organicen la resistencia contra los invasores. “Miembros de la organización para la formación militar, vayan a sus puestos de entrenamiento militar. En este momento, los puestos de entrenamiento deben ser el principal lugar de instrucción militar de la organización de adiestramiento militar. Conviértanse en expertos de distintas formas de entrenamiento militar.”
Número de Cartel: PP 090
Información sobre el cartel: Este cartel contiene la misiva “Envíe sus comentarios sobre este cartel a la siguiente dirección: Moscú, IZOGIZ, Sección de Agitación de Masas.”
Tamaño: 42x30
Tipo de cartel: Litografía
Fecha de publicación: 1932
Editores: Editor Rebinkin. Technical Editor Gusev.
Información técnica: Izogiz No. 3459. R. 35. No. 623. Submitted for production January 16, 1932. Approved for printing January 21, 1932. Order No. 84.
Ediciones: 30,050
Número de Glavlit: B-18814.
En el catologo: PP 090 Military
Artista: Govorkov, Viktor Ivanovich — Говорков, Виктор Иванович
Viktor Ivanovich Govorkov studied art in the studios of the Club for Soviet Workers in Vladivostok during the mid-1920s. From 1926 to 1930, Govorkov studied at VKhUTEIN [Higher Art and Technical Institute] in Moscow under the tutelage of Sergei Gerasimov where he concentrated in monumental art. His thesis at VKhUTEIN was a sketch for a panel intended for decoration on Red Square in preparation for the May Day festivities there in 1930. Upon his graduation he served ...
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Imprenta: Mosoblpoligraf (Moscow Regional Printers), Moscow — Мособполиграф (Московская областная полиграфская), Москва
Mosoblpoligraf was a regional, state-owned printing trust created in the mid-1920s during the period when the Soviet Union was consolidating its best and most productive printers. The 5th Lithography Workshop, 12th Lithography Workshop, 16th Lithography Workshop, and the 26th Lithography Workshop were all Moscow printers under the Mosoblpoligraf banner.
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Editorial: Ogiz-IzoGiz, Moscow-Leningrad — Огиз-Изогиз, Москва-Ленинград
Ogiz was the Association of the State Book and Magazine Publishers. Its main offices were located in Moscow and in Leningrad. The Sovnarkom of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic established Ogiz in 1930 to centralize publishing activities under a state monopoly in order to eliminate duplication of printed material, streamline and control publishing production and output, and to create a base for marketing books, training and technical manuals. In 1931, the Central Committee of the USSR ...
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