¡Nuestra contribución a la causa de la paz!
Número de Cartel: PP 1040
Información sobre el cartel:
The farmers illustrated on the poster are likely from the Uzbek SSR; the male farmer wears an Order of the Hero of the Soviet Union, the highest honorary title given to civilians and soldiers.
The farm machine on the poster reads: “Cotton picking machine SKhM-48”. This was the mounted vertical-spindle single-row cotton harvester, produced at Tashselmash, from 1948 to 1952 and in 1954.
Tamaño: 27x45
Tipo de cartel: Litografía
Fecha de publicación: 1951
Editores: Editor D. [Illegible]
Información técnica: Order No. 319; Price 1 ruble 50 kopeks
Ediciones: 3,000
Número de Glavlit: R07356
En el catologo: PP 1040 Communist Culture b
Artista: Illegible Name — Неразборчивое Имя
Editorial: Gosizdat (State Publishing House) — Госиздат (Государственное издательство)
Gosizdat was established in Moscow in May 1919 via the merger of the publishing departments of VTsIK (All-Russian Central Executive Committee), the Moscow Soviet, the Petrograd (St. Petersburg) Soviet, the People's Commissariat of the RSFSR, and others. Gosizdat was the first large-scale, state-controlled publisher formed with the purpose of joining the nation's printing and publishing entities under a single institution. While it existed somewhat independent of the government, by 1930 Gosizdat served as the base for the ...
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