Artista: Artist Unknown — неизвестный художник
The artist's name on the poster is not indicated. By assigning Artist Unknown to a poster it also could mean the artist used a chop mark whereby no signature is seen thus rendering the artist's identity anonymous.
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Imprenta: Printer not indicated —
Editorial: Tsentrosoiuz (Central Union of Consumers' Societies) — Центросоюз
MSPO (Moscow Central Union of Consumers' Societies) was established in 1898 and it gained significant membership throughout Imperial Russia after 1907. After its reorganization by the Soviet government, MSPO became part of an association of consumer unions and its name was changed to the Central Union of Consumers' Societies (Tsentrosoiuz). In May 1921, Tsentrosoiuz became the single government agency responsible for distribution of wholesale consumer goods in the country.
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