La defensa de la patria es el deber sagrado de cada ciudadano de la URSS. /Constitución de la URSS, Artículo 133/
Número de Cartel: PP 096
Información sobre el cartel: Este cartel está escrito en uzbeko.
Tamaño: 44.5x33
Tipo de cartel: Litografía
Fecha de publicación: 1938
Editores: Editor-In-Chief K. Zav’ialov; Technical Editor P. Umanskii
Información técnica: [Printed/Published in] Tashkent-1938; Order No. 41; Price 1 ruble, 50 kopeks
Ediciones: 10,150
Número de Glavlit: 7410. Uzlit, Uzbekistan section of Glavlit.
En el catologo: PP 096 Military
Región de la URSS: RSS de Uzbekistán
Idioma: Uzbeco
Artista: Cheprakov, Konstantin Pavlovich — Чепраков, Константин Павлович
Konstantin Pavlovich Cheprakov was a Soviet graphic artist, painter and illustrator. His foray into art came naturally as he did not receive a formal art education at an early age. While he did study at the Odessa Drawing School until the age of 16, he did not graduate from the institution. Upon being drafted into the Red Army he became a military artist. At the completion of his service, Cheprakov enrolled in the Odessa Polytechnic School ...
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Imprenta: NKMP Uzpoligrafkombinat Lithography Workshop, [Tashkent] — НКМП Узполиграфкомбинат, [Ташкент]
The Uzpoligrafkombinat (Uzbek Printing Plant) printed jobs for the NKMP (People's Commissariat of Local Industry). According to a host of published sources from the Soviet era, the Uzpoligrafkombinat based its operations in Tashkent, the capital city of the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic.
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Editorial: Publisher not indicated —