La cruzada de sacerdotes y rabís.
Número de Cartel: PP 980
Tamaño: 24.5x17
Tipo de cartel: Litografía
Fecha de publicación: 1932
Editores: Editor K.P. Bul'din; Text editor A.M. Rosenberg.
Información técnica: Sent to printer April 28, 1932; approved for printing May 17, 1932; Format 72x110, Volume 1 sheet of paper 108 pounds; Order No. 553; 34/3004; Price 50 kopeks.
Ediciones: 5,000
Número de Glavlit: 10.823 (617). Ukrgolovlit, city section of Glavlit in Kharkov, Ukraine
En el catologo: PP 980 Communist Culture b
Región de la URSS: RSS de Ucrania
Idioma: Ucraniano
Idiomas Adicionales: Yidis
Artista: Fridkin, Boris Markovich — Фридкин, Борис Маркович
Boris Markovich Fridkin was a graphic artist, cartoonist, illustrator, book designer and poster artist. Fridkin is also noted for his work as an illustrator at the children's magazine "Funny Pictures". He also served as Artistic Editor of the magazines "Red Pepper" and "Crocodile". A designer of numerous posters throughout his career, Boris Fridkin was a participant in the First All-Union Exhibition of the Poster-- "A Poster in the ...
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Artista: Blank, Boris Pinkhusovich — Бланк, Борис Пинхусович
Boris Blank was a graphic artist, illustrator and poster artist. He also was a founder of a graphics school in Kharkov, Ukrainian SSR. Born in the city of Libava (in today's Republic of Latvia), Boris Blank studied at the Kharkov Art Institute from 1922 to 1929. He was granted a teaching position at the Art College in Kharkov where he worked from 1930 to 1932. Later, he was an instructor at the Art Institute of Kharkov (1933-1934, 1947-1950). Starting ...
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Imprenta: UPP DVOU (Printing Industry Management/State Publishing Association of Ukraine) — УПП ГПОУ (Управление полиграф предприятиями/Государственное издательское объединение Украины)
The UPP (Printing Industry Management) managed the printers in cities around the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic carrying out jobs for the DVOU (State Publishing Association of Ukraine). In 1930, a resolution by the Ukrainian Central Committee created the DVOU making it the central administration for publications and literature distribution in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. The DVOU replaced the DVU (State Publishing of Ukraine) that had been in existence since 1922.
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Editorial: Mistetstvo (Art Publishing House), Ukrainian SSR — Мистецтво (Искусство издательство Госкомиздата УССР)
Mistetstvo (Art Publishing House) was founded in Kharkov (Ukrainian SSR) between 1932-'34. It moved to Kiev in 1935. The publisher's chief output comprised of posters, portraits, artistic monographs and sheet music.
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