La cooperativa está abierta para todos. ¡No levanta barreras y no cuelga letreros de no se admite! MSPO [Unión de Sociedades de Consumidores de Moscú]
Número de Cartel: PP 843
Información sobre el cartel: Sister poster PP 1189
Tamaño: Please inquire
Tipo de cartel: Litografía
Fecha de publicación: 1917
Información técnica: No. 6
En el catologo: PP 843 Industry b
Artista: Shchankin', Vasilii Nikolaevich — Щанкин, Василий Николаевич
Imprenta: Pechatnik (Print Worker) Typolithography Workshop, Moscow — Печатник Типо-Литография, Москва
Pechatnik (Print Worker) Typolithography was formerly the Moscow publishing and printing house of Iosif Ivanovich Pashkov at 26 Khapilovskaia Street. By 1919, the printer was named the 8th (State) Typolithography, and it was under the management of the printing section of the MGSNKh (Moscow City Council of National Economy). Because the typolithgraphy was accorded the name Pechatnik, it is likely that it also served as the contract printer for the journal “Pechatnik”, the organ of the Mosc...
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Editorial: MSPO (Moscow Union of Consumer Societies) — МСПО (Московский Союз Потребительных Общества)
Moscow Union of Consumer Societies (Moskovskii Soiuz Potrebitel'nykh Obshchestva) was abbreviated as MSPO and it was formed in 1897. In 1917, the Soviets reorganized it under an association of unions and changed its name to the Central Union of Consumer Societies (Tsentrosoiuz). The new structure under Soviet control was built around territories consisting of a regional union (raisoiuz), a provincial union (gubsoiuz), and a central union (Tsentrosoiuz). Soviet Cooperatives sold their own goods and had distinctive brands ...
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