Komsomol, a las filas de MOPR [Organización Internacional de Ayuda a los Combatientes de la Revolución]
Número de Cartel: PP 1054
Información sobre el cartel: [On flag]: For the international education of the masses
Tamaño: 29x22
Tipo de cartel: Litografía
Fecha de publicación: 1930
Información técnica: Poster No. 48; Rabochee Delo Telephone 2-04-85 and 4-90-69; Prize 15 kopeks
Ediciones: 15,000
Número de Glavlit: 2338. Gublit, provincial section of Glavlit
En el catologo: PP 1054 Youth
Artista: Ged..., F. (illegible) — Гед ..., Ф. (неразборчивое имя)
This artist's signature, associated with the poster in the Collection, is illegible. It is possible the artist's surname was Gedman however this is only a tacit surmisation.
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Imprenta: Mospoligraf (Moscow Polygraphic) 15th Lithography Workshop, Moscow (formerly Mashistov) — 15-я Литография «Мосполиграф», Москва (бывш. Машистова)
The Mospoligraf 15th Lithography Workshop was located at 23 Bol'shaia Sadovaia Street in Moscow. Its history begins with Ivan Mikhailovich Mashistov (1851-1914) the founder and managing director of Mashistov Typolithography Partnership. His firm printed magazines, historical books, and during the First World War, it printed and published patriotic posters. Under the Soviets, Mashistov Lithography was nationalized and it became the 15th Lithographic Workshop. In 1921, when the Soviet Union consolidated its largest and best printing operations into ...
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Editorial: MOPR (International Organization for Aid to the Fighters of the Revolution) — МОПР
The International Organization for Aid to the Fighters of the Revolution (Mezhdunarodnaia Organizatsiia Pomoshchi Revoliutsioneram, MOPR) was popularly known as International Red Aid. It was a subsidiary of the Communist International and had offices around the world. In the U.S., MOPR operated under the name International Labor Defense (ILD). The ILD formed in Chicago in 1925 and was associated with the Workers' party. In 1947, the ILD merged with the National Federation for Constitutional Liberties forming ...
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