El Presidente de la Unión de Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas “Por mi honor, juro servir fielmente al pueblo de nuestro país, con rigor seguir la constitución de la URSS, garantizar los derechos y libertades de los ciudadanos, cumplir de buen grado las responsabilidades del cargo de presidente de la URSS que se me han encomendado.” – M. Gorbachov
Número de Cartel: PP 242
Información sobre el cartel: Este cartel está dedicado a Mijaíl Gorbachov, último líder de la Unión Soviética. Gorvachov fue el jefe de estado de la URSS desde 1985 hasta su dimisión en 1991.
Tamaño: 27.5x20
Tipo de cartel: Offset
Fecha de publicación: 1990
Editores: Editor L. Yakhnevich. Art Editor A. Vishtaliuk. Technical Editor L. Kamineva.
Información técnica: Approved for printing March 23, 1990. Publication No. 011301936. Format 70 x 100 Volume 1/2 printing sheet. 0.65 conditional sheet of paper. Number of conditional print 3.9. Offset print. Coated paper. Order No. 157. Price 30 kopeks. L 5102000000-1
Ediciones: 60,000
En el catologo: PP 242 Cold War (Shrink Wrap)
Artista: Leonov, Iurii Borisovich — Леонов, Юрий Борисович
Iuri Borisovich Leonov graduated from the School of Graphics of the Union of Artists of the USSR. Leonov chiefly has worked in graphic design, book illustration, painting, and as an art instructor. The artist’s noted poster titles include: "Stalinism!" (1988); “Party, reorganize! Until it's too late.”; "Do not pull Russia apart into fringe principalities.”; “The President of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics...M. Gorbachev” (all from 1990). During the 1980s an...
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Imprenta: Kommunar Publishing House Typography Workshop, Tula — Типография Коммунар, Тула
Kommunar Publishing was located in the city of Tula at 150 Friedrich Engels Street. The publishing house issued the newspaper “Kommunar”.
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Editorial: Panorama Publishers, Moscow — Издательство Панорама, Москва
Panorama Publishing House was reportedly the largest publishing house in the Soviet Union in terms of poster production. International publishing directories of the early 1990s indicate that Panorama's offices were located at 38 Bol'shoi Tishinskii Lane in Moscow. The publisher's history dates to 1974 when it was initially formed as Plakat (All-Union Poster) of Moscow. In 1990, it was named Panorama and starting in 1991; Panorama expanded its output to include fiction, reference literature and magazines.
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