Artista: N.Tr — Н.Тр
Imprenta: 1st Electro-Typolithography Workshop of Sovnarkoz — 1-я Электро-типо-литография Совнаркоза
The 1st Electro-Typolithography Workshop was managed by Gosizdat (State Publishing House) and served as a contract printer for Sovnarkoz (Council of National Economy).
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Editorial: Altgubpolitprosvet (Political Education Department of Altai Province) — Алтгуполитпросвет (Алтайска губерния политическое просвещение)
Altgubpolitprosvet (Altaiskaiia guberniia politicheskoe prosveshchenie) was the Altai provincial section of Glavpolitprosvet (Main Committee for Political Education) that directed propaganda dissemination and political education. The publisher was located in the city of Barnaul, the administrative center of Altai province.
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