El desertor piensa: “¡Les mostraré mis talones! Incluso si me encuentran, encontraré el modo de esconderme. ¡Estoy harto de la guerra!” El general blanco: “¡Detente! ¿Dónde vas? ¿No quieres luchar? ¡Marcha contra los rojos, tú lucharás por mí, haré uso de canallas como tú!”
Número de Cartel: PP 1002
Información sobre el cartel:
The language of the deserter mimics colloquial peasant speech.
The White General's implies that if a soldier deserts from the Red Army, they are going to be pressed by the Whites into fighting the Reds.
Tamaño: 27x19.5
Tipo de cartel: Litografía
Fecha de publicación: 1919
Editores: Printed by the Commissariat of Army Reserves for the RSFSR (Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic).
Fuentes: Soviet Posters of the era of the Civil War 1918-1921 by B.S. Butnik-Siverskii (1960), page 251, poster 1066
En el catologo: PP 1002 Civil War c
Artista: Deni (Denisov), Viktor Nikolaevich — Дени (Денисов), Виктор Николаевич
Although known for his characterizations and posters that he signed with the pseudonym 'Deni'; Viktor Nikolayevich Denisov never received formal artistic education. Around 1906, Deni began exhibiting at the annual exhibitions of the Society of Independents in Saint Petersburg, as well as at the Salon of Humorists. In 1910, he took private lessons in painting and drawing from the artist-portraitist Nikolai P. Ulianov and that same year, he became active in the field of political caricature, contributing ...
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Imprenta: Headquarters of the Reserve Armies of the Republic — Штаба Запасной Армий Республики
During the Russian Civil War reserve armies were developed by the Red Army. Each Soviet republic had a military commissariat in charge of troops within its constituency. In September 1919, the headquarters of the Reserve Army of the Republic moved from Simbirsk to Kazan' and thereafter, posters in Kazan' were printed by at least 15 organizations and local authorities.
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Editorial: Political Department of the Reserve Army of the Republic and PUOKR, Volga Region — Политотдела запаснои армий республики и (ПУОКР) Приволжького
The Political Department of the Reserve Army of the Republic was a Red Army publisher based in the Volga Region. It distributed material for the Reserve Armies (of Russia) and for PUOKR (Politichestkoi Upravlenie Voyennogo Okruga), the Political Directorate of the Military District. Its headquarters was located in the city of Kazan.
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