El censo de la población de toda la Unión comienza el 15 de enero de 1959. Es el deber de todo ciudadano completar el censo y responder con precisión a todas las preguntas en el formulario del censo. [Traducción parcial]
Número de Cartel: PP 1031
Información sobre el cartel: Poster was specifically published for the All-Union Population Census of 1959 as the woman is wearing a worker’s badge for that census.
Tamaño: 34x24.5
Tipo de cartel: Litografía y Offset
Fecha de publicación: 1959
Información técnica: IzoGiz No. 1-690; Volume 1 sheet of paper; Order No. 975
Ediciones: 350,000
Número de Glavlit: Sh 04742-58
En el catologo: PP 1031 Events b
Artista: Solov'ev, Mikhail Mikailovich — Соловьёв, Михаил Михайлович
Mikhail Mikailovich Solov'ev was born in Moscow. In 1930 he graduated from the advanced courses of the A.Kh.R.R. (Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia). While he began his professional career as a painter, from 1944 on, he exclusively designed posters. He was made a member of the Union of Soviet Artists in 1933 and later, he led the poster section of the Moscow Union of Artists. During the 1930s, Solov'ev worked on posters and dioramas ...
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Imprenta: Kalinin City Poligrafkombinat of Sovnarkhoz of the RSFSR — Калининский полиграфический комбинат Московского совнархоза Верховного Совета РСФСР
The Poligrafkombinat (printing plant) of Kalinin was the printer for Sovnarkhoz RSFSR (the Regional Council of National Economy of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic). Sovnarkhoz was an economic reorganization that came about in 1957 when over 100 "economic regions" were created in the USSR to localize and reduce the inordinate role of state administered, top-down economics. The printer was located at 5 Lenin Avenue (formerly Voroshilov Street) in the city of Kalinin (Tver) northwest of ...
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Editorial: Central Statistical Directorate (TsSU) of the USSR — Центральное Статистическое Управление (ЦСУ) СССР
The Central Statistical Directorate (TsSU) was formed in 1918. TsSU was the main statistical organization of the Soviet Union until around 1981 when Goskomstat, the State Committee for Statistics, replaced it. Concurrent with the dissolution of the USSR in 1991, Goskomstat was subsequently replaced by Statkom of the Commonwealth of Independent States.
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