Drive out the kulaks – Elect poor and middle peasants to the councils. [Panel 1 reads]: "How in the village of Kalistratka All the peasants, without a looking back Elected the kulaks...". [Partial translation]
Número de Cartel: PP 1141
Tamaño: 28x23
Tipo de cartel: Litografía
Fecha de publicación: 1920
Fuentes: Soviet Posters of the era of the Civil War 1918-1921 by B. S. Butnik-Siverskii (1960), page 440, poster 2875
En el catologo: PP 1141 Events b
Región de la URSS: RSS de Ucrania
Artista: UkROSTA (All-Ukrainian Bureau of the Russian Telegraph Agency) — УкРОСТА (Всеукраинского бюро Российского телеграфного агентства)
UkROSTA was a Soviet news organization founded in January 1920. Its creation served to replace the Bureau of the Ukrainian Press. While UkROSTA was a news organization, it also employed a cadre of artists to design posters for publication. Frequently, the artists (working as a collective) did not attribute their names to the artwork they designed for UkROSTA.
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Imprenta: Lithography Workshop of M.G. Ravitskii, Kharkov — Литография М. Г. Равицкий, Харьков
Little published information is available on the Kharkov-based lithography workshop of M.G. Ravitskii. However, Ravitskii was likely a working artist before and during the Soviet-era. Published sources from the Soviet Union indicate Ravitskii had a printing business in Kiev. Beyond that, Ravitskii’s name appears as an artist in at least one 21st century Russian publication on graphic art during World War I.
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Editorial: All-Ukrainian State Publishing House — Всеукраинское издательство (Всеукриздат)
All-Ukrainian State Publishing House (Vseukrizdat) was founded in 1919 as the State Publishing House of Ukraine and its formation was based upon a directive by the All-Ukrainian Central Executive Committee. The publishing house had branches in the cities of Kharkov, Kiev, Volyn', Poltava and other locations in Ukraine. In 1920, the publisher was renamed All-Ukrainian State Publishing and in 1922, the publisher was renamed DVU (Derzhavne vydavnytstvo Ukrainy). DVU became the largest publisher in Soviet Ukraine and the ...
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