Censo de población de toda la Unión de 1939. Es la obligación del ciudadano participar en el censo y responder con veracidad a todas las preguntas [que hay] en el formulario del censo.
Número de Cartel: PP 925
Información sobre el cartel: The 1939 Soviet census is mired in historical debate as is its 1937 counterpart but the 1939 results were less deadly. Following the 1937 census, reportedly a host of workers in the Central Administration for National Economic Accounting (the agency handling the census) were arrested and/or executed after disagreement erupted over the low population findings. As a result, the 1939 census was strictly controlled when it came to the results. However, the 1939 statistics were not made public at the time and, the USSR did not undertake another census until 1959.
Tamaño: 41x28.5
Tipo de cartel: Litografía y Offset
Fecha de publicación: 1938
Editores: Editor S.N. Golovin; Technical Editor I.A. Kaplun
Información técnica: Submitted for production October 22, 1938. Approved for printing October 23, 1938; Format 62x94 [cm] – 1 sheet; Order No. 2897; Second Printing; [Price] Free; Printed on an intaglio rotational machine at "Gudok" Typography Workshop, Moscow, 7 Stankevich Street
Ediciones: 150,000
Número de Glavlit: B-8380. Mosoblgorlit, Moscow Regional and City Department of Literature and Publishing
"Investigation of the Ukrainian Famine: 1932-1933; report to Congress." (1988). Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office.
"Research Guide to the Russian and Soviet Censuses", edited by Ralph S. Clem (1984).
Ullman, M. B., & United States. (1959). "The 1939 U.S.S.R. census of population: Organization and methodology: with notes on plans for the 1959 census of population." Washington, D.C.: Foreign Manpower Research Office, Bureau of the Census.
En el catologo: PP 925 Events b
Artista: Zhukov, Nikolai Nikolaevich — Жуков, Николай Николаевич
Nikolai Nikolaevich Zhukov was a graphic designer, cartoonist and artist. Zhukov studied primary art education at the Nizhny Novgorod Art and Industrial College. In 1928 he enrolled the A.P. Bogolyubov Saratov Art College and graduated in 1930. After serving in the military he moved back to Moscow around 1932. During the Second World War, he was the artistic director of the Odessa-based "Studio of Military Artists named for Mitrofan Borisovich Grekov". From 1941 to 1945 he worked ...
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Imprenta: Gudok Typography Workshop, Moscow — Типография Гудок, Москва
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Editorial: Izostat (All-Union Institute of Pictorial Statistics of Soviet Construction and Economy) — Изостат (Всесоюзный институт изобразительной статистики советского строительства и хозяйства)
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