¡Celebraremos la Jornada Estalinista del Trabajador Ferroviario con el nuevo trabajo de alta capacidad del sistema de transporte!
Número de Cartel: PP 1070
Información sobre el cartel: The train illustrated on the poster is an I.S. 2-8-4 (Iosif Stalin) passenger locomotive manufactured in the city of Voroshilov (today, Lugansk). In the background a generic industrial scene is depicted.
Tamaño: 38x25
Tipo de cartel: Litografía
Fecha de publicación: 1946
Editores: Editor A.F. Mukhin
Información técnica: ZhDIZ No. 90095; Order No. 3368; Price 3 rubles
Ediciones: 7,000
Número de Glavlit: A09683
Fuentes: Westwood, J. N. (2016). Soviet Locomotive Technology During Industrialization, 1928-52. London: Palgrave Macmillan Limited.
En el catologo: PP 1070 Industry b
Artista: Stol..., A.A. (Illegible) — Стол..., А.А. (неразборчивое имя)
Artista: Ivanov, A.A. — Иванов, А.А.
Imprenta: Transzheldorizdat (All-Union Publishing and Printing Association of Railway Transport) — Трансжелдориздат (Всесоюзное издательско-полиграфическое объединение железнодорожного транспорта)
Transzheldorizdat (All-Union Publishing and Printing Association of Railway Transport) was founded in 1923 as part of the larger Transpechat' (Transport Printing) of the NKPS (People's Commissariat of Transportation and Communication). In 1963, the Council of Ministers of the USSR directed Transzheldorizdat to be absorbed into the burgeoning State Transport Publishing House (Gosudarstvennoe Transportnoe Izdatel'stvo) The new publishing house additionally absorbed the Automobile Transport Publishing House, the Marine Transport Publishing House and the River Transport Publishing House. Transport ...
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Editorial: Transzheldorizdat (All-Union Publishing and Printing Association of Railway Transport) — Трансжелдориздат (Всесоюзное издательско-полиграфическое объединение железнодорожного транспорта)
Transzheldorizdat (All-Union Publishing and Printing Association of Railway Transport) was founded in 1923 as part of the larger Transpechat' (Transport Printing) of the NKPS (People's Commissariat of Transportation and Communication). In 1963, the Council of Ministers of the USSR directed Transzheldorizdat to be absorbed into the burgeoning State Transport Publishing House (Gosudarstvennoe Transportnoe Izdatel'stvo). The new publishing house also absorbed the Automobile Transport Publishing House, the Marine Transport Publishing House and the River Transport Publishing House. Transport ...
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