1917 – 1920 ¡Obrero y campesino! Protege los frutos de la Revolución de Octubre: tus frutos.
Número de Cartel: PP 442
Información sobre el cartel:
Novorossiisk is in Krasnodar Region, Russia and it is the country's main port on the Black Sea. The city was given the title "Hero City" for its work and fight during World War II.
[Top of poster margin left]
RSFSR [Top of margin right]
Workers of all countries, unite!
Tamaño: 31x24
Tipo de cartel: Litografía
Fecha de publicación: 1920
Información técnica: No. 8
Fuentes: Soviet Posters of the era of the Civil War 1918-1921 by B.S. Butnik-Siverskii (1960), page 212, poster 683; Russian Revolutionary Posters by V. Polonskii (1925), page 139, poster 111; Mass Agitation Art of Soviet Russia, by I. M. Bibikova (2002), page 267; Revoliutsionnyi Prazdnichnyi Plakat 1917-1927: Iz Sobraniia Gosudarstvennogo museia Velnikoi Oktiaber’skoi, by Suliaeva, Nadezhda. (1982). Page, 1 (index)
En el catologo: PP 442 Revolution
Artista: Nu-Ar — Ну–Ар
Imprenta: Tsentropechat’ (Central Agency for Supply and Distribution of Printed Works) — Центропечать (Центральное агентство ВЦИК по снабжению и распространению произведений печати)
Tsentropechat’ (Central Agency for Supply and Distribution of Printed Works) was created in November 1918 by VTsIK (All-Russian Central Executive Committee) to disseminate books, pamphlets, newspapers, and material dedicated to the Bolshevik cause. The system of Tsentropechat’ was built on the existing network of kiosks developed in the Imperial era by Aleksei Suvorin, a Russian newspaper and book publisher. During the Russian Civil War, Tsentropechat’ supplied Red Army troops with free publications and even phonograph records of spe...
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Editorial: Kuban'-Black Sea Directorate of Publishing Matters, Krasnodar — Издание Кубанско-Черноморского Управления Издательским делом., Краснодар
The Kuban'-Black Sea Directorate of Publishing Matters was a Bolshevik-controlled publisher located in the Kuban'-Black Sea Republic. In addition to the Directorate, there was also the Bolshevik-led 3rd State Publishing Department that operated in Krasnodar, formerly Yekaterinodar. Historically, the Kuban'-Black Sea Soviet Republic existed from May to July 1918. It was formed by uniting the Kuban and Black Sea Soviet Republics to provide a counter force to fend-off White Russian (Menshevik) armies during the Russian Civil ...
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