1 de Mayo. Subbotnik (sábado del trabajo voluntario) en toda Rusia. República Socialista Federativa Soviética de Rusia. ¡Proletarios del mundo, unidos!
Número de Cartel: PP 105
Información sobre el cartel: Subbotnik era el “sábado del trabajo voluntario”, implementado durante el periodo inmediatamente posterior a la Revolución de Octubre y destinado a ayudar en los trabajos de mejora de obras públicas.
Tamaño: 26x19
Tipo de cartel: Litografía
Fecha de publicación: 1920
Fuentes: Soviet Posters of the era of the Civil War 1918-1921 by B. S. Butnik-Siverskii (1960), page 184, poster 437; Russian Revolutionary Posters by V. Polonskii (1925), page 138, poster 209
En el catologo: PP 105 Events
Artista: Moor (Orlov), Dmitrii Stakhievich — Моор (Орлов), Дмитрий Стахиевич
Dmitrii Stakhievich Moor (birth surname Orlov) was born into the family of a mining engineer and did not receive formal artistic education. After moving to Moscow in 1898, and between 1902 and 1906, he actively participated in the city’s revolutionary movement, specifically taking part in the failed 1905 Revolution. While working at the Anatolii Mamontov printing shop, he submitted his drawings to periodicals. In 1908, he began to publish his cartoons in satirical journals, namely in Budil'nik [Alarm Clock]. Wh...
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Imprenta: MGSNKh Typo-lithography Workshop, Moscow — Типо-литография МГСНХ, Москва
MGSNKh (Moscow City Council of National Economy) was formed in 1918. It municipalized hundreds of local printing enterprises during the Russian Civil War when hoarding of ink, paper and production equipment was prevalent. For its own printing needs, the MGSNKh took over several printing houses such as the 2nd Typography Workshop, the 3rd State Typolithography Workshop (formerly owned by Ivan Kushnerev) and the 15th Lithographic Workshop formerly under the ownership of Ivan Mashistov.
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Editorial: Political Directorate of the R.V.S.R. (Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic) — Политическое управление Революционного военного совета Республики (РВСР)
The Literary and Publishing Department of the Political Directorate of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic (R.V.S.R.) of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR) was also known as Litizdat in its portmanteau form. As a major publishing arm of the Red Army, Litizdat distributed 7.5 million posters, postcards and lubok-styled images from 1919 to 1922. Also see the publisher Litizdat.
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