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Kominarets, Igor' Aleksandrovich

Коминарец, Игорь Александрович

Born December 28, 1923, Moscow, USSR; died 1998, location unknown, presumably Moscow, Russia

Igor' Aleksandrovich Kominarets was a Soviet graphic artist and illustrator who chiefly worked in the field of poster design. Having a skill for drafting, his designs were distinguished by their precise technical execution. Kominarets received his art education at VGIK (All-Union State Institute of Cinematography) in Moscow. Throughout his professional career, the artist designed posters for the publishing houses of Iskusstvo (Art), IzoGiz (State Publishing House of Fine Art), Plakat (Poster), and Enlightenment (Prosveshchenie). Kominarets was also engaged in book and magazine illustration, and he designed postage stamps for the USSR.

The artist designed a large body of propaganda posters such as: "Everyone to the elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR!" (1954); "Textile workers! Your duty is to give the people many beautiful fabrics of excellent quality!" (1954); "For the benefit of the Soviet people, we will build new power plants!" (1955); "Celebrate our May Day with victories in work!" (1956); "Long Live the Union of Workers and Peasants - the foundation of Soviet Power" (1957); “Glory to the Soviet People!” (1957); "For Soviet Power!" (1958, co-designed with Stanislav Zabaluev); "May 1st - Day of Solidarity of Workers of the World!" (1957, co-designed with Evgenii Pozdnev), and more.

During the 1970s and 1980s, the poster designs of Kominarets became more simplified as the trend in Soviet graphic design moved away from the influence of Socialist Realism. Some of the artist’s later poster titles are: "The cause of October is in safe hands" (1975); "Happy holiday, dear women!" (1976), "Through labor we will increase the glory of the Komsomol!" (1977); "Glory to Soviet sailors!" (1979), "The Warsaw Pact - in the service of peace and socialism!" (1980), and "Frugality is a communist trait" (1981).

In 1959, Igor' Aleksandrovich Kominarets became a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR. His son, Oleg, became a book illustrator.

Fuentes (bio)
Russian Posters. (2011). Auction catalogue of Mercer and Middlesex, LLC. New Jersey: Mercer and Middlesex, LLC. (artist’s work and son cited) (date of birth) (date of birth) (place of birth)