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Gausman, Georgii Vladimirovich

Гаусман, Георгий Владимирович

Born March 10, 1928, location unknown, USSR; died 1994, location unknown, presumably Russia

Georgii Vladimirovich Gausman was a Soviet graphic artist. He graduated in 1958 from the Moscow State Technical School of Fine Arts in Memory of the 1905 Revolution. In 1957, while still a student, he took part in the preparation for the VI World Festival of Youth and Students held in Moscow. He received the highest award for his poster titled, "For Peace and Friendship”. In addition, Gausman was awarded a bronze medal at the USSR Exhibition of Economic Achievements also held in Moscow. Starting in 1957, Gausman worked in the "Agitplakat" workshop, and from 1958 to 1964, he designed posters for the publishing house Sovietskii Khudozhnik (Soviet Artist). A majority of his posters delt with social and political themes, and they tended to have a cartoon-like style. The following poster titles are a sample of Gausman’s designs: "Continue the work of the Revolution" (co-designed with Nikolai Babin, 1966); "Our women are our pride!" (1967); "Ready to serve the Motherland!" (1973); "Hooligans - to answer!" (1974); "Higher labor productivity in agriculture!" (1977); "Glory to grain growers!" (1978), and others. Gausman was a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR. Alternatively, some published sources cite the artist’s name as Georgii Eduard Iurii Vladimirovich Gausman.


Solov'ev, V. D. (2005). Russkie khudozhniki XVIII-XX vekov: svodnyi spisok khudozhnikov, vstrechaiushchikhsia v spravochnoi literature. Moskva: Ekspert-klub. (P. 83, artist’s work cited) (bio) (date of birth)