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PP 168

Poster Plakat

Poster of the Week

“Long live the great Stalin, the creator of the constitution of victorious socialism!"

The 1936 Constitution of the Soviet Union (also called the Stalin Constitution) was adopted by the Eighth Extraordinary Congress of Soviets via a commission formed in 1935 and chaired by Josef Stalin. Key objectives of the constitution reflected “successful attainment of socialism” in the USSR. Soviet citizens took part in a "nationwide discussion” about the constitution's language. Articles that led to public discussion centered on the rights of personal property and inheritance, social equality to a stratum of farmers, and permitting religious believers to run for public office. Furthermore, the 1936 constitution expanded the government’s role by adding more social welfare programs such as free secondary education, medical aid to the labor-class, social insurance, and paid vacations for industrial and professional employees. Additionally, the constitution reorganized elections and reshaped the government's configuration. The Stalin Constitution remained in force until 1977.

This poster was designed by Nikolai Denisov (1917-1982), son of renowned Soviet poster artist Viktor Deni.

More About This Poster

About The Collection

Poster Plakat is a private collection of Soviet and Eastern Bloc political ephemera spanning 1916 to 1991. The collection contains over 1,000 original posters and poster maquettes. Sizes range from windowpane posters up to large, multi-panel broadsides. Numerous artists are represented such as Gustav Klutsis, Victor Deni, Nikolai Dolgorukov, Vladimir Stenberg, the Kukryniksy, Viktor Koretsky, and hundreds more. All posters are linen backed and ready for display.

If you are interested in using images from the Collection or exhibiting posters from it, please visit the Contact Us page for more information. You can also email and include the name of your organization, the name of the contact person and provide your phone number. In addition, please provide a general description of the exhibit you are considering or the poster you would like to use.